Monday, February 14, 2011

Meetings and cat and class

Hey all,

So I got my WebDewey all sorted out and I took it for a spin today.  I must say, I was quite pleased with how it worked.  I got into some good ol' cat and class and before I knew it the day was over.  Now...  the thing is I haven't done any cat and class for about a year now, and it took a while for me to get back into the swing of things.  I catalogued maybe 2 items correctly and I have to go back and fix about 12 of them.

It took you all day to do that, you say?  Well, I DID have to train on my new DDC tool and figure out where everything was and to make mistakes etc etc etc.

I did the math and I need to get my throughput up on a daily basis if I hope to get the majority of items done.

I also had two things to do as well.  I had to write an official letter of introduction... in the voice of my superviser for me to hand to a librarian at a public library for a meeting I set up last week, so he could sign it and make it official for records and such.  That was a little silly I think, me writing something so someone else could sign it in their name - but it didn't take too long and its too cover bases and just get everything in order so I didn't mind.

I also had a meeting today at around 2:30 where I met some of the people who would be forming the secretariat for the climate change conference at the Marriot in March.  I didn't have anything to contribute, but I took notes anyway just to keep up.  I'm excited about this conference - I'm not 100% on what I'll be responsible for, I was mostly there to be introduced and get acquainted with it but I'm sure I'll be able to rock it.

Tomorrow, I'll be meeting with one of my colleagues tomorrow and finding out how they do Library Science here on the sister islands.  Sounds fun!

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