Hi friends,
Ok, I'm breaking down on this one. I will post photos of me being out n' about and I will describe some of my extra-curricular activities.
Right, so work stuff outta the way first and then into fun stuff.
XX - If you want to skim through, just go down to the next XX to get into the fun stuff.
Alright, so here's the deal folks, I've been cat'ing n' Class'ing my butt off at work. I've got... well, I've got at least 1000 items (some of the same titles in series) done. I'm tackling journal serials and monographic serials first because all I have to do is assign one number and then a volume, issue or number # after that. Really makes me feel like I've done alot with out doing a ridiculous amount. It sure does get repetitive though.
Ok, next big thing. There is one more meeting of the secretariat subcommittee of the steering committee for the UNESCO climate change conference on Monday and then BAM! right into the conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm a little chuffed with myself because I got an invitation to the Governor-General's residence for Tuesday (just a little chuffed, I mean, it's not a huge thing, but I'm still pleased with it). I'm quite honoured, even though it's just a formality. I mean, it's my first vice-regal invitation, so I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.
I've had my funding request deferred until the end of the conference on Wednesday, which means I'll finally have a sit down with my supervisor on Thursday about it. I really hope I get the ILS I want to use. I know that this is a developing country and all and that I have to work within the confines of their resources, but darnit, I think my recommendation is the best option on a renewable basis and will stand the test of time. Plus, if they want to migrate onto a new system after I leave, well then the option is there because they'll still own all their data... it just means that I won't have to be in the position of creating this big thing that needs to be maintained by someone with an MLIS (very few of those on the ground here) and I won't have to spend a lot of time drafting how-to's and training documentation.
Speaking of that, I'm a little put off about how my supervisor mentioned off hand to me how he'd like to create some training docs on how to cat and class new material so that he can do it. Now, here's the thing, yes, I get it: Librarians are expensive. But it took me months to learn cataloguing (include a few months after Library School ended) and I had a desire and necessity to learn how to do it because it's one of the underpinning concepts of my profession. And now suddenly I'm just supposed to write up a few documents on how to do it and let the secretarial staff get to it? Look, I know they are smart and competent (I see how effective they are in all sorts of administrative and office matters everyday!) but I had to do a masters in information management - and I'm an intern! I'm... just supposed to teach this stuff now? And how are they going to do it? I've been working off a copy of webdewey which I, personally, purchased with my own money! grr. I don't like that. It totally trivializes what I do, especially since I mentioned in my timeline document (which was approved by the way) that there would need to be a transition from me to a library tech/paraprofessional or a full time, local librarian. We need someone certified in certain skill sets to take over from me in July, not just a few things typed up by me to act as a guide for the permanent staff.
I'm really going to have to make the case for that, on a continuing basis, over the next little while.
Ok, so here's the deal. I don't want to have to post every single thing I've done (mostly it's been drinkin' and going to the beach), but here's a little bit of the deal I've been doing.
I live in a fairly nice, approx. middle class neighbourhood in Basseterre, which is the captial city here in the Federation. I haven't really had very many problems except for children/young tweens making rude remarks and the odd drunk spouting expletives at me, I suppose in the case of holding me responsible for Christopher Columbus. Seriously, the language was incredibly slurred, but I picked out Christopher Columbus, as well as a few f bombs and mofo bombs directed at me personally by some guy drinking on the side of the road. It was slightly awkward, but I've only seen that particular person once more so I think it might be a limited thing. The kids I don't mind so much. They're effin' kids. Kids are morons.
I've had a hard time making friends, mostly because most people seem to think I'm a tourist and I don't feel safe going out at night as there has been some violence in the city when it gets dark. I guess you could say the same about Halifax, but I'm a Haligonian... I'm not a Kittian, so I feel more vulnerable.
The food here is very nice. There is even chinese food (not as good as Jean's) and Indian food (BORING HISTORICAL SIDENOTE: Most former British colonies have a professional class of Hong Kong Chinese and Indians as the British liked to export these kinds of people as stewards, cooks, butlers and majordomos. If you go to any former British Colony, chances are you will see a professional class of Asian business owners, land owners and doctors). The local food is very nice, but I sometimes get dirty looks from the locals when I go into places that aren't frequented by people of European descent. I have made it a policy to avoid certain parts of town, not because they are dangerous, but mostly because I want to avoid being made to feel like a piece of crap by everyone there.
I suppose it won't matter how long I live here, I'll just be an outsider. That is why I have changed my friend finding strategy to focus on finding our where Canadians, American and/or Europeans hang out. It might be a little pricey, but at least I'll be around people I have something vaguely in common with (if not the fact that they own lots of property down here).
With all that said however, I really really enjoy living alone. I don't have to share the bathroom, I clean on my schedule, I don't have to worry about hogging shelf or refrigerator space, If the place is a mess I know who to blame and there is never a wait for the shower in the morning. I don't know how it could get better than this really.
I mentioned drinking in passing recently. It's so cheap down here to drink that I went a little overboard. For the past week I completely eschewed alcohol of any kind in order to detox and feel better and it worked. From now on, it's a disciplined, planned approach to enjoying myself with alcohol and I've made a deal with myself to never go beyond a personal limit of three drinks over 3 hours.
I know that sounds a little too tight assed... but seriously alcohol is VERY cheap down here and it's allure is strong. Better I show discipline and be a little on the tough side with myself than take 50 cc of Charlie Sheen directly into my Tiger Blood stream.
I miss having someone to talk to about Canadian and American history/politics. For some crazy reason, I thought I'd always have someone to hash it out over a beer with.
I went to and Indian restaurant on the weekend. They were playing Rambo, the one where he goes to Afghanistan on TV. Awesome.
Ok, how about some pictures? Well, I tried uploading them and for some reason blogger won't take 'em. Damnation. Check my facebook and they'll be up there.
your pal - O
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